Imaginative travelers among us Baby Boomers are flocking to enjoy Peru. Adventure tours in Peru are taken in some style these days - no more of that backpacking nonsense for us!
Peru has it all. Desert, mountains, lakes, jungle and of course The Galapagos Islands. But before you imaginative travelers get too excited to book your adventure tour in Peru, here are some tips to help you enjoy Peru even more.
Learn just a few words of Spanish before you travel, it goes a long way with the locals.
When visiting the street markets, buy something. The locals will appreciate the trade.
Pack an open mind in your suitcase! Be willing to try everything especially the Chicha Morada, it's lovely!
Be prepared to encounter poverty and squalor but remember your adventure tour will help some families.
Enjoy the opportunities available on your tour. An overnight bus trip is an experience not an inconvenience.
Tipping: allow US$18 per week for ordinary tips and tip your Tour leader at your own discretion.
Check your vaccinations and take your preferred remedy as recurrent diarrhea can be a problem!
Take out comprehensive travel insurance before you travel otherwise you will have to buy it in Peru.
Finally, do not leave your commonsense in the airport at baggage claims when it comes to your personal safety!
Baby adventure tour in Peru is a trip of a lifetime, take in as many extras as possible. The ultimate wildlife experience must be to visit of the Galapagos Islands. It's so good, so why not?
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